Speak or Listen...

Speak or Listen…

हमारी लाइफ में हमें जो भी अनुभव प्राप्त होते हैं ,हम उन्ही के आधार पर अपनी राय बनाते हैं और वही हमारे कथन में भी आता है | इसलिए वो limited होता है जो सिर्फ हमारे experience तक ही सीमित होता है | परन्तु जब हम सुनते हैं तो वो हमारी सोच से बहुत अलग होता है | वो add on होता है हमारे experience के अलावा भी | इसलिए सुनना बोलने की तुलना में ज्यादा फायदेमंद होता है जैसा कि इस वीडियो में कहा गया है :

Whatever experiences we get in our life, we form our opinions based on them and the same comes in our statements also. Therefore, it is limited which is limited only to our experience. But when we hear, it is very different from what we think. It is an add on apart from our experience. That’s why listening is more beneficial than speaking as stated in this video:

About Ritu Tiwari

I am a mentor, certified coach and speaker as well as a very easy tutor of very difficult subject “Physics” with 24 years of experience, a Social worker ,a blogger and YouTuber as “Dr.Ritu Tiwari, Physics & Motivation“ In my 10+ years of career as a coach, I have helped thousands of people to transform their lives and live a happy life specially at CORONA time. I will show you how you can improve your health and fitness so that you can start living a happy and peaceful life. My coaching sessions are designed to listen to your requirements, prepare a plan and deliver a solution.

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