अंत - संगीत के एक युग का ....( अपूरणीय क्षति )( End of an era of music....(irreparable loss) )

अंत – संगीत के एक युग का ….( अपूरणीय क्षति )( End of an era of music….(irreparable loss) )

End of an era of music….(irreparable loss)

संगीत सृष्टि के रचयिता देवों के देव महादेव की देन है इस सृष्टि को जिसने इसे जीवंत बनाया | कहते भी हैं कि संगीत ईश्वर की भाषा है और जिसे अक्षरशः सार्थक कर गयी एक शख्सियत जो ईश्वर की इस भाषा को इतने वर्षों तक हम सब को सुनाती रहीं | वो संगीत , वो सुरों की देवी आज अचानक इसे विराम देते हुए उसी परम ज्योति में विलीन हो गयीं जिनकी वो true messenger थीं | ऐसा लगा मानों संगीत को ही heart attack आ गया हो , अचानक सब कुछ शून्य सा प्रतीत होने लगा | संगीत का पर्याय बन गया ये नाम उसे कैसे छोड़ कर जा सकता है ऐसा लगा मुझे तो | उनके ही गाने के बोल जो उनकी मृत्यु शैया पर बजाया जा रहा है मुझे आज तक कभी इतना नहीं गौर कराया हो, उसका एक एक शब्द जैसे कानों में जैसे शीशे पिघला रहा हो जो इतना melodiyous लगता था आज तक ” तुम मुझे यूँ भुला न पाओगे , जब कभी भी सुनोगे गीत मेरे , संग मेरे गुनगुनाओगे | “
एक पिता की आज्ञाकारी बेटी जिसने उनकी जिम्मेद्दारी को ऐसे शिरोधार्य किया कि तमाम जिंदगी उसे निभाने में समर्पित कर दी | हर काम इतनी शिद्दत से किया उसे नायाब बना दिया वो चाहे संगीत हो , सोशल रिलेशनशिप हो ,सादगी हो या कोई भी छोटा सा काम ही क्यों न हो | इतना बड़ा नाम , इतनी गुणी शख्सियत जो अपने नाम को कितना नहीं भुना सकती थी परन्तु इस चकाचौंध भरी दुनिया से खुद को उतना ही बचा कर रखा | ये मिसाल है हर किसी को कि अगर आपका काम सर्वश्रेष्ठ हो तो किसी प्रचार , किसी दिखावा की जरुरत नहीं | उन्होंने शादी नहीं की लेकिन पूरा देश जो उनका परिवार बन चुका था , आज रो रोकर उन्हें अंतिम विदाई दे रहा था | ऐसा कोई बंदा नहीं होगा जो आज रोया ना हो उनके लिए |

गायिका श्रेया भोसाल का statement कि वो स्वयं संगीत का एक institution थीं, उनका एक एक गाना एक ग्रंथ था कि उसमें सुर कैसे लगें , किस भाव से गाया जाए ,एक एक शब्द का उच्चारण |
इतना नाम ,ऐसी अमरता वाकई एक युग का अंत है ,ऐसी शख्सियत को कहा जा सकता है कि ना भूतो , ना भवष्यति | कोटि कोटि नमन और श्रद्धांजलि असीम दुःख के साथ |

Music is the gift of the creator of the universe, the god of gods, Mahadev, who made this universe alive. It is also said that music is the language of God and which was literally made meaningful by a person who continued to narrate this language of God to all of us for so many years. That music, the goddess of those notes, today suddenly stopping it and merged into the same supreme light whose true messenger she was. It seemed as if the music itself had suffered a heart attack, suddenly everything seemed like nothing. This name has become synonymous with music, how can I leave it, I felt like this. The lyrics of his own song, which is being played on his death bed, have never made me so much attention till now, every single word of it like the glass is melting in the ears, which seemed so melodiyous till today “You will not be able to forget me like this” Whenever you hear the song with me, you will hum with me.
The obedient daughter of a father who took his responsibility in such a way that she devoted her whole life to fulfilling it. Every work done with so much dedication made it unsurpassed, be it music, social relationships, simplicity or any small work. Such a big name, such a virtuous person, who could not redeem his name, but saved himself equally from this dazzling world. This is an example to everyone that if your work is the best, then there is no need for any publicity, any show. He did not get married but the whole country, which had become his family, was weeping and bidding him a final farewell. There will be no such person who has not cried today for them.

Singer Shreya Bhosal’s statement that she herself was an institution of music, each and every song of hers was a book on how to make notes in it, in what sense it should be sung, the pronunciation of each word.
Such a name, such immortality is indeed the end of an era, such a person can be said that neither ghost nor future. With many respects and tributes with immense sadness.

About Ritu Tiwari

I am a mentor, certified coach and speaker as well as a very easy tutor of very difficult subject “Physics” with 24 years of experience, a Social worker ,a blogger and YouTuber as “Dr.Ritu Tiwari, Physics & Motivation“ In my 10+ years of career as a coach, I have helped thousands of people to transform their lives and live a happy life specially at CORONA time. I will show you how you can improve your health and fitness so that you can start living a happy and peaceful life. My coaching sessions are designed to listen to your requirements, prepare a plan and deliver a solution.

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